Sunday, October 9, 2011

MongoDB: {name:"mongo", type:"DB"}

“MongoDB” as the name suggest, is a database that can be used to store data and apply other operations on the data later on. It is not a relational database like (MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL etc), but it provides all the basic operations that eases developer’s life in playing with the stored content. The name is a bit funny for me when I first heard it, but really it is built on some serious concept that opens number of questions of something alternative of relational databases. The concept is of NoSql / non-relational database.

MongoDB (from "humongous") is a scalable, high-performance, open source, document-oriented database. Written in C++

RDBMS has ruled the database world alone for a long time and always remains the only option for most of the software industry to go for it as their first option. Yes, lots of questions are there to choose which RDBMS to use and how the data will be structured within it. With some powerful concept of querying, maintain the integrity, indexing of data etc within RDBMS how come MongoDB’s concept will compete with it? What is the concept on which MongoDB is built? Is MongoDB fully replaceable to RDBMS? Are there other databases built on the same concept? Many more questions are there in this debate, so just have a look how MongoDB is different from relational databases.

MongoDB store data in documents. Yes, a document that have key-value pair. There is a predefined structure of MongoDB that starts with Database -> Collections -> Documents & -> Fields. So there is not any brainstorming sessions on how to structure our data. Just answer How many collections do we have, and what are they?.

One of the most important features of MongoDB is that it provided Indexing on data. This feature makes it different from other No SQL databases. It also support to query data from database. 

 If you're moving to MongoDB from a relational database, you'll find that many SQL queries translate easily to MongoDB's document-based query language. 

Other important features include Replication, Auto-Sharding, Batch Processing etc. Detail of each feature will be part of other posts as soon as I explore them and create some examples.



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